Dans le cadre du projet de recherche sur l’adaptation aux changements climatiques du secteur agricole au Nouveau-Brunswick, votre aide est sollicitée. Nous cherchons à identifier les impacts des changements climatiques sur la production des cultures et d’élevages. Le but de ce projet est de formuler un plan d’adaptation présentant des suggestions et recommandations encourageant l’adaptation agricole à partir des impacts identifiés. Pour ce faire, un court soudage (10 questions) est accessible par le lien ci-dessous. Merci de répondre au sondage pour chaque type de culture que vous produisez, c’est-à-dire un type de culture/élevage par sondage. Veuillez s.v.p. cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour débuter.


Sondage: Impacts des changements climatiques sur les agroécosystèmes

Lien vers le sondage

Nous vous remercions de votre participation!

Pour tout renseignement supplémentaire vous pouvez communiquer avec

Charlotte Poirier, assistante de recherche chez Valorès

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As part of the research project on climate change adaptation in the agricultural sector in New Brunswick, your assistance is being sought. We seek to identify the impacts of climate change on crop and livestock production. The aim of this project is to formulate an adaptation plan presenting suggestions and recommendations promoting agricultural adaptation based on the identified impacts. To do so, a short survey (10 questions) is accessible through the link below. Please complete the survey for each type of crop/livestock you produce, i.e., one type of crop/livestock per survey. You may click on the link below to start.

Survey: Impacts of Climate Change on Agroecosystems

Link to the survey

Thank you for your participation!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me

Charlotte Poirier, research assistant at Valorès

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Erosion and flooding
In the example above, see the evolution of coastal erosion in the Pigeon Hill area from 1944 to 2012. Move the arrows!

A rigorous process

Scenarios and risks

icon scenario
Gain better knowledge of damage risks and risks to human health posed by erosion and flooding.

Maps and zoning

icon cartes
Delineate areas at risk based on recommendations.

Priorities and potential strategies

icon priorites
Identify and prioritise elements at stake within risk areas.

Evaluation and strategy selection

icon evaluations
Conduct more extensive studies for some of the adaptation measures under consideration.

Implement plans

icon plan
Define the details on when and how the actions will be taken and implemented.

Project progression

Follow the progress of the project in your community using the interactive map.

View the map

Possible solutions

Adapting to climate change requires the implementation of several complementary measures on the same territory to ensure the safety of both the public and infrastructures. Here are some possible solutions.