Click on the map to see the work that has been done in each community.

The Process

In order to ensure that the adaptation actions and measures to be adopted will be:
  • appropriate for the type of problem
  • good investments
  • socially, economically and environmentally acceptable

the Projet Adaptation PA is following a rigorous 5-step process:

1) Scenarios and risks [Communities which passed this stage]
2) Maps and zoning [Communities which passed this stage]
3) Priorities and potential strategies [Communities which passed this stage]
4) Evaluation and strategy selection [Communities which passed this stage]
5) Implementation plans [Communities which passed this stage]

To make enlightened choices about the best measures or actions to be taken to limit the risks of damage and risks to human health posed by erosion and flooding, we must know what these risks are. This is the goal of step 1: Scenarios and risks, where flooding and erosion scenarios are developed and the risks to infrastructures evaluated. This step provides a better understanding of current and future phenomena and risks.

Once the scenarios have been developed, a decision must be made as to which ones to plan for. This is the goal of step 2: Maps and zoning. During this step, a working group recommends the scenarios to be used for planning purposes. The delineation of the areas at risk is based on these scenarios. The working group also makes zoning recommendations.

Then, it is possible to identify what is at risk (or at stake) and prioritize the elements at stake based on their human, economic, cultural and environmental importance to the community. This is the goal of step 3: Priorities and potential strategies. A working group identifies and prioritizes elements at stake within the risk areas. It is also during this step that preliminary adaptation strategies are considered.

Step 4: Evaluation and selection of strategies can involve conducting more extensive studies for some of the adaptation measures under consideration, such as technical studies, feasibility evaluations or cost-benefit analyses. Once the pros and cons have been considered, a final decision can be made.

Finally, in Step 5: Implementation plans, the details on when and how the actions to be taken will be implemented are defined.

Several communities have already gone through the initial steps of the process.

Erosion and flooding
In the example above, see the evolution of coastal erosion in the Pigeon Hill area from 1944 to 2012. Move the arrows!

A rigorous process

Scenarios and risks

icon scenario
Gain better knowledge of damage risks and risks to human health posed by erosion and flooding.

Maps and zoning

icon cartes
Delineate areas at risk based on recommendations.

Priorities and potential strategies

icon priorites
Identify and prioritise elements at stake within risk areas.

Evaluation and strategy selection

icon evaluations
Conduct more extensive studies for some of the adaptation measures under consideration.

Implement plans

icon plan
Define the details on when and how the actions will be taken and implemented.

Project progression

Follow the progress of the project in your community using the interactive map.

View the map

Possible solutions

Adapting to climate change requires the implementation of several complementary measures on the same territory to ensure the safety of both the public and infrastructures. Here are some possible solutions.