Steps completed

Scenarios and risks (Preparatory phase)

Technical and scientific work done in 2015

Partners: Coastal Zones Research Institute Inc., Geomediatix innovations Inc., The Acadian Peninsula Regional Service Commission, Department of Environment and Local Government, Department of Energy and Mines and Université de Moncton, Shippagan campus

  • high-resolution elevation model based on LiDAR data
  • sea level rise and storm surge level projections
  • shoreline recession and advancement projections
  • database of infrastructures at risk based on various flood and shoreline recession scenarios

Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Simard, I. 2016. Analyse des risques d’inondation et d’érosion dans les régions de Grande-Anse, Maisonnette, Bertrand et Caraquet.

Carte :
Carte de risques d'inondations et d'érosion à Grande-Anse et Anse-bleu

Priorities and potential strategies

Strategic planning exercise by a working group from Grande-Anse and Anse-Bleue in the fall of 2015.

Members of the working group: Yves Landry, Ronald Thériault, Gino Benoit, Jean-François Chenard, Roland Landry and Gilbert Thériault

Facilitation: CZRI


The priority areas are : 

  • Residential area of Anse-Bleue at risk of erosion and flooding
  • Grande-Anse and Anse-Bleue wharves

  1. The residential area of Anse-Bleue at risk of erosion and flooding, for which the main stakes are principal and secondary residences is a priority. The main strategies recommended for this area are accommodation and retreat measures. For example, limiting expansions of existing buildings (accommodation) or prohibiting new constructions (retreat).
  2. The subsequent priority areas are the wharves of Grande-Anse and Anse-Bleue, which represent stakes of economic and cultural importance to the communities. The working group recommends protection and accommodation measures for these areas. The main recommendations for other areas include retreat (relocation) for buildings at risk of erosion or the status quo.
  3. Regulations prohibiting all construction within less than 30 m (100 feet) of the shoreline should be re-implemented in Grande-Anse.

Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Melançon, J. 2016. Planification stratégique à Tracadie, Caraquet, Bertrand, Maisonnette, Poirier, Grande-Anse et Anse Bleue.

Erosion and flooding
In the example above, see the evolution of coastal erosion in the Pigeon Hill area from 1944 to 2012. Move the arrows!

A rigorous process

Scenarios and risks

icon scenario
Gain better knowledge of damage risks and risks to human health posed by erosion and flooding.

Maps and zoning

icon cartes
Delineate areas at risk based on recommendations.

Priorities and potential strategies

icon priorites
Identify and prioritise elements at stake within risk areas.

Evaluation and strategy selection

icon evaluations
Conduct more extensive studies for some of the adaptation measures under consideration.

Implement plans

icon plan
Define the details on when and how the actions will be taken and implemented.

Project progression

Follow the progress of the project in your community using the interactive map.

View the map

Possible solutions

Adapting to climate change requires the implementation of several complementary measures on the same territory to ensure the safety of both the public and infrastructures. Here are some possible solutions.