Scenarios and risks (Preparatory step)
Technical and scientific work done in 2015-2016
Partners: Coastal Zones Research Institute Inc., Geomediatix innovations Inc., The Acadian Peninsula Regional Service Commission, Department of Environment and Local Government, Department of Energy and Mines and Université de Moncton, Shippagan campus
- high-resolution elevation model based on LiDAR data
- sea level rise and storm surge level projections
- shoreline recession and advancement projections
- database of infrastructures at risk based on various flood and shoreline recession scenarios
Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Simard, I. 2016. Analyse des risques d’inondation et d’érosion dans les régions de Grande-Anse, Maisonnette, Bertrand et Caraquet.
Priorities and potential strategies
Strategic planning exercise by a working group from Bertrand and Maisonnette in the fall of 2015.
Members of the working group: Jean-Marc Godin, France Haché, René Thériault, Diane Chiasson, Gaston Chiasson, Jules Boudreau, Viviane Baldwin and Gabrielle Blanchard
Facilitation: CZRI
- Use the 2050 sea level rise scenario, the 50-year storm surge scenario at HHWLT, and the 2100 shoreline recession scenario for purposes of planning and delineating the areas at risk.
- Amend the Villages of Bertrand and Maisonnette municipal plans to include zoning aimed at minimizing flood and erosion risks:
1) a retreat zone (no construction allowed), as delineated by the projected shoreline in 2100, wetlands, and the Maisonnette sandspit (dune)
2) an accommodation zone where construction is allowed within certain conditions corresponding to the area flooded as per the 2050 50-year storm surge scenario.
Map: Adaptation aux changements climatiques : recommandations de zonage afin de minimiser les risques associés aux inondations et à l’érosion côtières pour Maisonnette, Bertrand et Poirier (DSL)
Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Melançon, J. 2016. Planification stratégique à Tracadie, Caraquet, Bertrand, Maisonnette, Poirier, Grande-Anse et Anse Bleue.
Strategic planning exercise by a working group from Bertrand and Maisonnette in the fall of 2016.
Members of the working group: Jules Boudreau, Denis Chiasson, Diane Chiasson, Gaston Chiasson, Jean-Marc Godin, Gabrielle Blanchard, René Thériault and France Haché
Facilitation: CZRI
Recommendations :
The priority areas are :
- Maisonnette municipal park area
- South area of Maisonnette
- Village historique acadien area
- Maisonnette sandspit
The main recommendations of the working group are of general order. The group proposes to modify the delimitation of the retreat and accommodation zones, so that the retreat zone is delimited by the line illustrating the projected position of the shoreline in 2100, by the area that would be flooded by a 50-year storm surge in 2050 at HHWLT, as well as the provincial wetlands and the Maisonnette sandspit. Also, the accommodation zone, where construction would be allowed within certain conditions, should be delimited by the area that would be flooded by a 100-year storm surge in 2050.
In addition to the recommendations regarding regulatory measures, the group advocates protection strategies for the municipal park area of Maisonnette. It recommends that a study be conducted on the possibility of building a breakwater to replace the old one. For the southern area of Maisonnette, the group recommends that only soft techniques should be allowed as protection measures. For the Village historique acadien, the group recommends that the Village administration be informed of the flood risks and that the buildings at risk be relocated outside the risk area. The group also recommends that Route 11 be elevated above the flood level if it is modified or rebuilt in the future.
Regarding the Maisonnette sandspit, the group recommends that the sandspit be defined as a natural protected area, for example, through a partnership with Nature Conservancy Canada. Pedestrian and vehicular traffic directly on the sandspit should be prohibited. The boardwalk should be maintained, but it should be built on stilts. Finally, re-vegetation techniques should be used as protection measures.
Report :
Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Jean, S. 2017. Enjeux et solutions : Exercices de planification stratégique à Tracadie, Caraquet, Bertrand et Maisonnette.