Scenarios and risks (Preparatory step)
Technical and scientific work done in 2014
Partner: Department of Environment and Local Government
- high-resolution elevation model based on LiDAR data
- sea level rise and storm surge level projections
- shoreline recession and advancement projections
- database of infrastructures at risk based on various flood and shoreline recession scenarios
Priorities and potential strategies (under way)
The community was not involved in choosing the scenarios. The Shippagan scenarios were selected for purposes of planning and delineating the areas at risk: the 2055 sea level rise scenario, the 100-year storm surge scenario and the 2100 coastline recession scenario.
Proposed zoning for the Pointe-Brûlée LSD:
1) a retreat zone, no construction allowed, as delineated by the 2100 projected coast line and the provincial wetlands.
2) an accommodation zone where construction is allowed within certain conditions corresponding to the flood zone according to the 2055 100-year storm surge scenario.
Map: Adaptation aux changements climatiques : recommandations de zonage pour Pointe-Brûlée afin de minimiser les risques associés aux inondations et à l’érosion côtières.
Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Doiron, A. 2014. Cartographie des risques d’inondation et d’érosion à Pointe-Brûlée et recommandations pour minimiser les risques