Scenarios and risks (Preparatory step)
Technical and scientific work done from 2009 to 2011.
Partners: Université de Moncton, Shippagan campus, Department of Environment and Local Government, Department of Energy and Resource Development
- high-resolution elevation model based on LiDAR data
- sea level rise and storm surge level projections
- shoreline recession and advancement projections
- database of infrastructures at risk based on various flood and shoreline recession scenarios
Robichaud, A., Simard, I., Doiron, A. et Chelbi, M. 2011. Infrastructures à risque dans trois municipalités de la Péninsule acadienne.
Priorities and potential strategies
Strategic planning exercise by a working group from the community in the fall of 2011.
Members of the working group: Mireille Caron, Élise Mayrand, Nadia Tchoukanova, Rémi McGraw, Bertin Thériault, Jérôme Roy and Justin Mallet
Facilitation: CZRI and the Commission d’aménagement de la Péninsule acadienne (now the Acadian Peninsula Regional Services Commission)
- Use the 2055 sea level rise scenario, the 100-year storm surge scenario at HHWLT, and the 2100 shoreline recession scenario for purposes of planning and delineating the areas at risk.
- Amend the Town of Shippagan municipal plan to include zoning aimed at minimizing flood and erosion risks
1)a retreat zone, no new construction and no expansion of existing buildings permitted, as delineated by the projected shoreline in 2100 and the provincial wetlands.
2) an accommodation zone where construction is allowed within certain conditions corresponding to the zone that would be flooded by the 100-year storm surge in 2055.
Map: Adaptation aux changements climatiques : recommandations de zonage pour Shippagan afin de minimiser les risques associés aux inondations et à l’érosion côtières
Aubé, M. et Kocyla, B. 2012. Adaptation aux changements climatiques: planification de l’utilisation du territoire à Shippagan, Le Goulet et Bas-Caraquet.
Strategic planning exercise by a working group from the community in the fall of 2013.
Members of the working group: Rémi Hébert, Valmond Doiron, Michel Mallet, Camille-André Mallet, Christine Lemay, Julie Mallet and Bertin Thériault
Facilitation: CZRI
The priority areas are :
- Main access road to Shippagan
- Residential areas and coastal boardwalk «Sentier rivage»
- City infrastructure and buildings
1) The accesses to the Town of Shippagan (Pointe-Brûlée access, bridge linking Shippagan to Lamèque Island, Pointe-Sauvage access and Highway 113 access): favour accommodation and protection: raise the bridges and roads over the flood level, inform the emergency measures officials, maintain and/or improve protective structures (riprap) that are already in place.
2) The residential areas and the Sentier Rivage (retaining wall and residences): maintain the retaining wall, inform residents of the risks and possible accommodation measures to attenuate risks, encourage the managers of the special needs or seniors’ residences to have an emergency plan that addresses flood risks.
3) Town infrastructures and buildings (salt water pumping station and water treatment plant): accommodation: improve waterproofing and/or raise above the flood level.
Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Doiron, A. 2014. Accompagnement de communautés de la Péninsule acadienne dans la planification de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques: année 3. Exercices de planification stratégique à Shippagan, Bas-Caraquet, Le Goulet et Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël, Cap-Bateau et Pigeon Hill
Evaluation and selection of strategies
Cost-benefit analysis of adaptation strategies, including regulations
Aubé, M., Hébert, C., Wilson, J., Trenholm, R. and Patriquin, M. 2016. Cost Benefit Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for the Acadian Peninsula.
Planning exercise by an internal committee in the fall of 2017 for preliminary strategy selection
Members of the internal committee: Anita Savoie Robichaud, Kassim Doumbia, Marie-Lou Noel, Patrice-Eloi Mallet, Rémi Hébert, Percy Mallet, Valmond Doiron, Michel Mallet et Brigitte Mazerolle Robichaud
Facilitation: CZRI
Preliminary strategy selection:
The internal committee essentially retained the recommendations of the previous exercises. The main strategies are:
Accesses: identify the accesses to the Town of Shippagan that are potentially problematic in the emergency measures plan. Raise access bridges above the flood level. Maintain or improve the protective structures that are already in place.
Natural and artificial structures: identify and map the natural areas that protect municipal and private infrastructures, residences or other infrastructures. Ensure the conservation of natural and artificial structures that play a protective role.
Residential areas: develop a flood specific emergency measures plan that takes into account the level of risk and elements at stake in the residential areas. Inform residents and businesses of the flood and erosion risks specific to their area and of accommodation measures to limit damages (ex: waterproofing of buildings, etc.). Monitor the application of the zoning regulations adopted in 2016. Collaborate with the Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG) and surrounding Local Service Districts (LSDs) in regards to communication and outreach (information sharing) and emergency response planning in LSDs.
Municipal, institutional and private areas: adapt infrastructures and buildings in municipal, institutional and private areas, for example, by raising pumping and lift stations above the flood level or by improving their water resistance. Inform building owners and managers of risks and accommodation measures.
Report :
Aubé, M., Hébert, C., Jean, S. et Sonier, T. 2018. Plans d’action préliminaires pour Shippagan, Bas-Caraquet et Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël : accompagnement de communautés dans leur adaptation aux changements climatiques.
Info - Public consultation
Adaptation plan's writing
Adoption of the recommendations from the first working group: changes made to the municipal plan and new zoning regulations passed in 2016.
The Town of Shippagan has completed the process leading to the development of its Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
The final selection of actions in the plan was made following public consultation that took place in the fall of 2018.
An implementation plan has been developed including details of when and how the actions will be carried out. The implementation plan will be updated as needed.
Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Sonier, T. 2019. Adaptation aux changements climatiques - Plan d'action pour la Ville de Shippagan
Plan's realization
The city's Climate Change Adaptation Plan is being realized to this day. A follow up will be made.
The implementation plan will be updated as needed.