Steps completed
Scenarios and risks (Préparatory step)
Flood and erosion risk analysis for Miscou Island
Technical and scientific work done in 2017
Partners:Coastal Zones Research Institute Inc., Groupe Regenord Inc., The Acadian Peninsula Regional Service Commission, Department of Environment and Local Government, Department of Energy and Resource Development and Université de Moncton, Shippagan campus
Results :
• high-resolution elevation model based on LiDAR data
• sea level rise and storm surge level projections
• shoreline recession and advancement projections
• database of infrastructures at risk based on various flood and shoreline recession scenarios
• evaluation of a new geo-positioning method for historical photos
Aubé, M., Hébert, C., Simard, I. et Chelbi, M. 2018. Analyse de risque d’inondation et d’érosion pour l’Île Miscou.
Erosion and flooding
In the example above, see the evolution of coastal erosion in the Pigeon Hill area from 1944 to 2012. Move the arrows!