Steps completed

Scenarios and risks (Preparatory step)

Technical and scientific work done in 2014-2015

Partners: Université de Moncton, Moncton campus and Shippagan campus, Geomediatix Innovations Inc., Géo Littoral Consultants, Commission de l’environnement de Tracadie, Department of Environment and Local Government and Department of Energy and Resource Development

  • high-resolution elevation model based on LiDAR data
  • sea level rise and storm surge level projections
  • shoreline recession and advancement projections
  • database of infrastructures at risk based on various flood and shoreline recession scenarios

Technical reports:
Chelbi, M., Clement, V., Jolicoeur, S., O’Carroll, S., St-Pierre, M. et Bérubé, D. 2015. Production de données sur l’érosion et prévision de l’évolution du littoral.

Simard, I., Robichaud, A. et Savoie-Ferron, F. 2015. Infrastructures à risque face aux inondations et à l’érosion côtières pour la municipalité régionale de Grand Tracadie-Sheila, Nouveau-Brunswick.

Priorities and potential strategies

Strategic planning exercise by a working group from the community in the fall of 2015 (Maps and zoning)

Members of the working group: Weldon McLaughlin, Arthur Austin, Paul Roussel, Annette Bénard, Bruce Comeau, Napoléon Basque, Isabelle Paulin, Arthur Arseneau and Ginette Kervin


  • Use the 2100 sea level rise scenario, the 100-year storm surge scenario at HHWLT, and the 2100 shoreline recession scenario for purposes of planning and delineating the areas at risk.
  • Amend the Regional municipality of Tracadie municipal plan to include zoning aimed at minimizing flood and erosion risks:
1) a retreat zone (no new construction and no expansion of existing buildings permitted) as delineated by the projected position of the shoreline in 2100, wetlands and coastal sand spits.

2) an accommodation zone to limit flood risks, delineated by the area that would be flooded by the 100-year storm surge in 2100.

Maps: Adaptation aux changements climatiques : recommandations de zonage pour la municipalité régionale de Tracadie afin de minimiser les risques associés aux inondations et à l’érosion côtière (feuillets 1, 2, et 3)

Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Melançon, J. 2016. Planification stratégique à Tracadie, Caraquet, Bertrand, Maisonnette, Poirier, Grande-Anse et Anse Bleue.

Strategic planning exercise by a working group from the community in the fall of 2016 (Prioritazing strategies)

Members of the working group: Annette Bénard, Bruce Comeau, Alex Doiron, Ernest Ferguson, Weldon McLaughlin, Mario Noel, Linus Robichaud, Paul Roussel and Joannie Thériault


Recommendations : 

The priority areas are :

  • Val-Comeau area, gulf side
  • Sandspit area
  • Pointe-à-Bouleau and Sureau Blanc street areas
  • Lighthouse, wharf and the downtown walking trail areas
  • Pointe-des-Robichaud and Val-Comeau areas, estuary side

The main recommendations of the working group are to develop emergency measures plans specifically for floods in the residential and harbour areas, to create a development plan to oversee new building and road constructions and existing road upgrades, to inform property owners of the risks and ways to minimize them, to use soft techniques to maintain and restore dunes and beaches, as well as to raise the roads and bridges in the flood risk zone, especially for critical accesses

Report : Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Jean, S. 2017. Enjeux et solutions : Exercices de planification stratégique à Tracadie, Caraquet, Bertrand et Maisonnette.    

Info - Public consultation

The final selection of actions that will be in the Regional Municipality of Tracadie’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan was made following the public consultation held in the fall of 2018.

Aubé, M., Hébert, C. et Sonier, T. 2019. Adaptation aux changements climatiques - Plan d'action préliminaire pour la Municipalité Régionale de Tracadie

Implementation plan's writing

The Regional Municipality of Tracadie plans to complete this final step of the process in 2019-2020.

Erosion and flooding
In the example above, see the evolution of coastal erosion in the Pigeon Hill area from 1944 to 2012. Move the arrows!

A rigorous process

Scenarios and risks

icon scenario
Gain better knowledge of damage risks and risks to human health posed by erosion and flooding.

Maps and zoning

icon cartes
Delineate areas at risk based on recommendations.

Priorities and potential strategies

icon priorites
Identify and prioritise elements at stake within risk areas.

Evaluation and strategy selection

icon evaluations
Conduct more extensive studies for some of the adaptation measures under consideration.

Implement plans

icon plan
Define the details on when and how the actions will be taken and implemented.

Project progression

Follow the progress of the project in your community using the interactive map.

View the map

Possible solutions

Adapting to climate change requires the implementation of several complementary measures on the same territory to ensure the safety of both the public and infrastructures. Here are some possible solutions.